
We are pleased to cooperate with a series of partners around the globe. Apart from questions regarding systemic, interdisciplinary further training, it is a matter of conceptual as well as practical further development of our work and the one of our partners. New forms of learning and leadership help creating a sustainable and humane future, as well as solving problems and conflicts if possible even before they arise. We deal with this in the context of corporate studies, of a continually developing competence and the „invention“ of creative as well as constructive solutions.

AHK Shanghai, China

AHK Shanghai

Academy for Teacher Training and Human Resource Management, Dillingen

Akademie für Lehrerfortbildung und Personalführung Dillingen

ATMI, Surakarta, Indonesien

ATMI Surakarta

Education House Lichtenburg, Bolzano, South Tyrol

Burnout-network, Landsberg am Lech




Deutsche Gesellschaft für Systemische Therapie, Beratung und Familientherapie

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Systemische Therapie, Beratung und Familientherapie

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Verhaltenstherapie e. V.
DGVT-Fort- und Weiterbildung

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Verhaltenstherapie e. V. DGVT-Fort- und Weiterbildung

FH Bregenz, Austria

German Corporation for International Cooperation

Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce, Munich and Upper Bavaria
IHK München und Oberbayern

istob-centre for Systemic Therapy
istob–Zentrum für Systemische Therapie

KAI Centre UK

KAI Centre UK

Ludwig-Maximilian University of Munich
LMU München

State capital of Munich

Stadt München

German Systemic Society
Systemische Gesellschaft

Telford Education Group, Shanghai, China






Klett-Cotta Verlag/publisher

Klett-Cotta Verlag

Wolfgang Metzner Verlag/publisher

Wolfgang Metzner Verlag

Springer – internationally leading scientific publishing house

Springer – International führender Wissenschaftsverlag


BDKinfo Magazine of the Association for Art Education

BDKinfo Zeitschrift des Fachverbandes für Kunstpädagogik

The mediation, Steinbeis-foundation


Spectrum of mediation

Spektrum der Mediation

Magazine for conflict management

ZKM Zeitschrift für Konfliktmanagement

The Hamburg conservatory

Hamburger Konservatorium

Sir Colin Mawby, English composer


One of the most famous contemporary composer of sacred music. For his work, he received the order of St. Gregory, the highest papal order of merit for the lay person. Colin performed in St. Paul’s Cathedral in front of the Queen of England, in Westminster Cathedral in front of the former US president John F. Kennedy, and in St. Peter’s Basilica in front of Pope John Paul II. Ursula Haupt, member of our board of management, has been given a very special honor: Colin Mawby composed pieces of sacred music for her and performed them with her as a soprano, supporting her on the organ. Together with him, the Hamburg Music Conservatory and a series of further partners, including the United Nations, we plan a number of musical events at the service of a sustainable development of the civil society.

SOS Children’s Villages

SOS Kinderdorf

VIPS mountain sports adventure

Akademie für Lehrerfortbildung und Personalführung, Dillingen

Akademie für Lehrerfortbildung und Personalführung Dillingen


Logo AOK

Weiterbildung Systemische Beratung



Change Management, Projektmanagement, Fortbildung Fach- und Führungskräfte, Weiterbildung Psychotraumatologie für helfende Berufe

Hochschule Landshut, Kompetenzzentrum


Führungskräfte-Entwicklung, Kommunikationsentwicklung, Nachhaltiges Projektmanagement, Systemisches Veränderungsmanagement

Lichtenburg, Stiftung St. Elisabeth, Bozen, Südtirol

logo lichtenburg

In Kooperation mit der Freien Universität Sigmund Freud, Wien
Masterkurs zum Systemischen Supervisor / Coach

LMU München
LMU München

Weiterbildung für StudienberaterInnen: Systemische Beratung

Schloß Hofen, Bregenz, im Auftrag der Fachhochschule Vorarlberg (Österreich)


Aufbaukurs Systemische Beratung

Städtisches Klinikum Nürnberg-Nord

logo Klinikum Nürnberg Nord
Ausbildung Systemisches Coaching